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Huizhou Xinzhiyuan Mould Technology Co., Ltd




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Huizhou Xinzhiyuan Mold Technology Co., Ltd

Fax: 0755-23414701

Phone: 188-066-1736 135-3768-7831 181-6992-8631

Email: szxzmj888@163.com

Address: Xinzhiyuan Science and Technology Park, Qiubao Road, Xintang Village, Qiuchang Town, Huiyang District, Huizhou City

Mobile Station


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Contact us
Address: Xinzhiyuan Science and Technology Park, Qiubao Road, Xintang Village, Qiuchang Town, Huiyang District, Huizhou City
Email address: szxzmj888@163.com
Website: http://m.sqlorg.com
Phone: 188-066-1736 135-3768-7831 181-6992-8631
Fax: 0752-3816986

Mobile Station

All rights reserved ? 2024 All Rights Reserved Huizhou Xinzhiyuan Mold Technology Co., Ltd. 粵ICP備12076629號
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